5 Simple Steps to Power Your Q2 Marketing
How’s it going?
Like most business leaders I’m constantly thinking about building my business and creating new opportunities.
We’re firmly in Q2 now. This is the critical quarter for driving demand and filling the sales pipeline for Q3 and Q4 closed deals.
By now you’ve probably got a few campaigns out the door and you may have some traction. But what if things aren’t going to plan and the campaigns you launched didn’t deliver the site traffic or marketing leads you expected or hoped for.
How do you know if your marketing is working?
It’s a deeply unsettling feeling - money has been spent, time has passed, things don’t feel under control.
Q2 is such a critical quarter it can be incredibly stressful to stay the course if you aren’t confident in your marketing performance.
Here’s what I do to regain confidence that I’m on the right track and for guidance on next steps.
Now is the time to go back to your marketing plan
Review your strategy. Is it still on point? Have you been following it?
Do all of your marketing activities support your strategy or were you tempted in the last months to just give a few things a go to see how they work out even if they didn’t meet your strategic criteria?
Can you identify which activities delivered results and which didn’t? Have you investigated (and documented) why?
Did you set the right objectives and reasonable timelines for your activities to deliver results?
Do you know what you learned in Q1 and have you thought about how this will influence what you do in Q2?
Systematically going back through your marketing is a powerful tool. Just a few simple questions that can shed a lot of light and provide helpful clarity for moving forward.
In my experience it’s worth taking stock now to assess how well you’ve aligned with your strategy and how discipled you’ve been about gathering and learning from results. It will course correct what may have become a somewhat scattered approach and help increase momentum if you already have positive traction.
Would you like a bit of marketing guidance and an outside perspective? Let’s chat.